

The Compassionate Friends publishes an online magazine “We Need Not Walk Alone” which is a free resource that shares stories, poems, and essays reflecting on life after the death of a child. My essays are included:

Spring 2023 “About Your Room”

Winter 2022 “Limp Stockings and Empty Chairs”

Open to Hope is a non-profit dedicated to helping people find hope after loss. It is a great resource of articles and podcasts that cover almost every type of loss. I contribute essays within the child loss category.

Motherwell July 2023 “After eight years, I was ready to clean out my son’s room”

ModernLoss August 2015 “Sit Still and Uncover Your Eyes”

Bodies of Truth: Personal Narratives on Illness, Disability, and Medicine January 2019

My essay “Sit Still and Uncover Your Eyes” was included in this anthology published by the University of Nebraska Press. The collection received several awards including the 2019 Foreword INDIES Award and Gold for Anthologies.

Abbey of the Arts January 2020 “The Slow Unfurling of a Fiddlehead”