The Downstairs Thief
My essay was posted on the Compassionate Friends website this week. I wrote it in 2017, but I had mulled about the dream for several years before then. It took me time to prod and poke at my reflection on the dream in my journal, I knew I hadn’t quite culled it. It also took time for me to more fully live into the experience of a bereaved mom before I had a moment of understanding. After that, I wrote the essay in a few days. I’m glad it continues to resonate with folks who are trying to live with the absence and presence of those they love.

I had a vivid dream shortly after Mack, our son, died. I walked into our house through the front door and immediately recognized that we had been robbed. I made my way tentatively through each familiar room surveying overturned furniture, shattered lamps; I noted the computers were taken and the silver.
But, something inside assured me that they didn’t make it upstairs.
Read it all at Compassionate Friends
The annual conference of the Compassionate Friends will be July 19-21 in Philadelphia. If you are interested registration is now open: